XB2 Kit
Menu Overview
The HX3 menu is arranged in
function groups
and has two levels: The
main menu
shown in
bold contains the parameters that are frequently used. In the
of the respective function
group, shown in blue, you will find parameters that are used less frequently.
Press the lower button to switch from a main menu to a submenu. An "S" symbol then appears at
the bottom right of the display. Press the upper button to return to the main menu.
The menus are arranged in a ring. The last menu item in the list is therefore followed by the first
again when you scroll down further, and the same applies vice versa.
Some menu items are only available with the
Extended License
. These are shown in
in the
following overview. It also depends on which organ model is selected (default: B3). In the
overview, a light blue
marks menu items that only appear in H100 mode, and a red
menu items that are available in
EnvelopeGen (EG)
mode. Depending on the device type, some
menu items are omitted or replaced by physical controls.
Rarely used parameters are not included in the menu for the sake of clarity. These are adjustable
with TouchOSC, with the Panel or with the Editor of the HX3.5 Manager. Please use this method
for the manifold settings in
The editor can be used to remove unwanted menu items from the menu.
HX3 Preset:
Selection of Common Presets 00 ... 99.
Common Presets include Drawbar settings and optionally Tab Switch settings (Percussion,
Vibrato etc.), Rotary Run/Fast/Slow, Master Volume, TubeAmpGain, and other effect settings. In
the HX3.5 Manager panel you can select which parameters are saved in presets.
Preset 0 takes over the live settings of drawbars and switches, if they exist. All other settings in
Preset 0 are stored as default values and take effect when the HX3 device is switched on or
Preset 0 is selected again.
LED Dimmer:
Brightness of the LEDs on connected boards and on the menu panel of the HX3
MIDI Expander (from mid 2020).
SD File Exec:
Selection of a script file on the SD card when the SD card adapter is connected.
WiFi Init Def:
Reset WLAN interface to factory default.
Preset Init:
Sets the live preset 0 to a basic B3 organ sound.