Biomechanics – Treadmill |
Scope of Physical Exertion
Duration of a training unit and its frequency per week:
The optimum exercise range is 65-75% of the individual‘s cardiovascular performance over a longer
At the beginning of each training session, you should spend 3-5 minutes warming up with a slowly
increasing level of exertion to bring your cardiovascular system and your muscles to the right tempe-
Just as important is the so-called „cool-down“. After each workout you should continue running slowly
for about 2-3 minutes. Initially, the exertion level for your further endurance training should basically be
increased by means of the scope of physical effort, e.g., training takes place 20 minutes daily instead of
10 minutes, or three times a week instead of twice a week. In addition to the individual planning of your
endurance training, you can also use the training programmes integrated into the treadmill‘s training
11. Biomechanics - Treadmill
11.1 Training Form and Movement Execution
On the treadmill, various forms of training can be used -- from walking, to power walking, to sprinting.
The movement execution of walking, power walking, running, and sprinting is divided into four phases:
Notes / Motion Description
Front Swing
Support leg under
the body’s centre of
Touchdown of
the foot
Here the maximum knee stroke takes
place and serves mainly for the forward
swing of the leg. When the foot makes
contact with the ground, the lower extre-
mities are cushioned by a passive braking
movement within 10 - 20 ms.
Front Suppor-
ting Phase
Touchdown of the
Vertical posture When the foot touches down, forces are
generated that represent 2-3 times the
weight of the body. It is therefore import-
ant to wear the right footwear to adequa-
tely absorb the shock impact and to ensu-
re a healthy pronation of the foot.
Back Suppor-
ting Phase
Vertical posture
Propulsion with
the foot
In the final phase, the foot is stretched out
and propulsion takes place via the first
Back Swing
Propulsion with the
Vertical posture
Hinweise /
Vordere Schwungphase
Stützbein unter dem
Aufsetzen des Fußes
Hier findet der maximale Knie-
hub statt und dient hauptsäch-
lich dem Nachvornschwingen
des Beines. Beim Aufsetzen
des Fußes werden innerhalb
von 10-20ms die unteren
Extremitäten durch eine passi-
ve Abbremsbewegung
Vordere Stützphase
Aufsetzen des Fußes
Vertikale Körperhaltung
Beim Aufsetzen des Fußes ent-
stehen Kräfte die das 2-3
fache des Körpergewichts aus-
machen. Es sollte daher
darauf geachtet werden das
passende Schuhwerk zu tra-
gen, um die aufkommenden
Kräfte adäquat zu absorbieren
und eine gesunde Pronation
des Fußes zu gewährleisten.
Hintere Stützphase
Vertikale Körperhaltung
Abstoßen des Fußes
In der Endphase wird der Fuß
gestreckt und es findet ein
Abstoßen über den ersten Zeh
Hintere Schwungphase
Abstoßen des Fußes
Vertikale Körperhaltung
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