3. Commissioning
Function / Sealing test according to DIN EN 13564
Manually lock the outlet side backwater flap with the ma-
nual closure lever (number 3 on illustration). Unscrew the
red ½ inch test plug (1) on the cover and connect the sup-
plied see-thru test funnel (2). Add clear water into the fun-
nel until the water level inside the funnel reached the 10cm
mark (this may require significant filling of water since the
Staufix SWA body must first be completely filled with water
before the filter level is reached). Over a 10 minute peri-
od, observe the water level inside the see-thru funnel. If
the water level decreases, refill to the 10cm mark and re-
cord how much water is required to keep the water level
at 10cm. If no more than 500ml of water was required to
keep the water level at the 10cm mark during the 10 mi-
nute test then the valve is considered tight.
sealing plug