13 RS-232C interface
A standard scale is equipped with a RS-232C interface used to connect a peripheral
device (e.g. a printer or a computer).
13.1 Technical specification
8-bit ASCII code
8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no transparency bit
transmission speed selected in the range of 1,200–9,600 bauds
Trouble-free operation of the interface is ensured only when the appropriate
interface cable by KERN is used (max. 2 m)
To ensure communication between the balance and the printer, the following
conditions must be met:
Connect the scale with the printer interface using the appropriate cable.
Trouble-free operation is ensured only when the appropriate interface cable by
KERN is used.
The scale and printer transmission speeds must be compatible, see
chapter 11.3.
13.2 Use of the scale plug pins
Pin 1: Power +5V
Pin 2: Tx Signal
Pin 3: Rx Signal
Pin 5: GND