“TOT” reset time
The transceiver has “TOT” reset timer. This timer is the
minimum wait time allowed during a transmission that will
reset the “TOT” count.
“TOT” reset time causes the “TOT” to continue even
after PTT is released unless the “TOT” reset timer has ex-
OST (Operator Selectable Tone)
The transceiver is capable to have “OST” function and 16
tone pair (QT/DQT) with max 10-digit name for each tone
“OST” back up
The transceiver is programmable the selected “OST”
code is memorized or not. If you set to Disable (no memo-
rized), the “OST” function always starts at “off”.
Direct “OST”
It is possible to call “OST” number directory using key-
pad. In this case, keypad is used for “OST”, then auto
“PTT” store and send functions by keypad are not usable.
Clear to transpond
The transceiver waits the transpond of 2-tone /DTMF if
channel is busy until channel open. This feature prevents
the interference to other party.
5. Option Signalling
5-1. DTMF/2-Tone
Built-in DTMF decoder is available for option signalling.
Built-in 2-tone decoder is available for option signalling.
It is possible to use individual call, group call, D.B.D.
(Dead Beat Disable). D.B.D. is used with DTMF only.
If the option signalling matches, a predetermined action
will occur.
If option signalling matches on a group/channel which is
set up with option signalling, the option signalling indicator
) will flash and option signalling will be released. The
transpond or alert tone will sound.
If the selective call alert LED is set up, the orange LED
will flash.
While option signalling matches (or if option signalling is
deactivated when you are transmitting), you can mute or
unmute ID/QT/DQT/Carrier.
You can select AND or OR for option signalling match
QT/DQT/ID+DTMF (2-tone); Option matches = Action
QT/DQT/ID+DTMF (2-tone); Option matches = Action
AF mute open
QT/DQT/ID+DTMF (2-tone); Option matches = Action
QT/DQT/ID; Signalling only matches = Action
With OR set up, alert/transpond will not function with
only DTMF (Trunking format).
With OR set up, AF mute will not release when only
DTMF matches.
With a conventional channel not set up with QT or DQT,
only the carrier is considered when signalling matches.
Auto Reset
If option signalling matches a group set up with option
signalling, option signalling is released. After matching op-
tion signalling, option signalling will temporarily reset auto-
Dead Beat Disable
If the D.B.D. code matches, a predetermined action will
occur. Whether option signalling is activated or not, when
D.B.D. matches on any channel, the transceiver will become
TX inhibited or TX/RX inhibited. While D.B.D. is active, if the
D.B.D. code + “#” code is received, D.B.D. will disactivate.
When D.B.D. matches, transpond will function. Alert will
not be output, and option signalling match icon will not ap-
5-2. MSK
Built-in MSK (FleetSync™ : Fleet-ID) decoder is available
for option signalling. When the group ID/Carrier matches,
squelch remains muted while the station waits for reception
of proper MSK signal. When MSK signal matches, squelch
AND : QT/DQT/ID + MSK to unmute. MSK matches =
alert tone
OR : QT/DQT/ID to unmute. MSK matches = alert tone
6. Alphanumeric Two-way Paging Function
T h e A l p h a n u m e r i c T w o - w a y P a g i n g F u n c t i o n
(FleetSync™) is a KENWOOD proprietary protocol. It en-
ables a variety of paging functions.
ID Construction
A radio unit ID is defined by a combination of 3-digit Fleet
and 4-digit ID numbers. Each radio unit must be assigned its
own Fleet and ID numbers.
A pre-programmed unique ID (own) can be sent at the
beginning of transmission and/or the end of transmission to
identify which radio unit is on air.
When selecting (sel) for MSK ID, the radio calls the spe-
cific Fleet user the same as selective call.