37 Automatic configuration (Direct Reply function)
On the TH-D74A/E, when transmission by the calling station is complete and while the
reception interrupt screen appears, the transmission configuration for the receiving station
automatically changes to
, and the receiving station can make a call back to the
calling station simply by pressing
When direct reply is possible during reception, a
"Direct Reply"
icon will appear in the
interrupt screen. When this icon is displayed, pressing
enables automatic
transmission in the callback configuration.
"Direct Reply"
When both APRS and D-STAR are running concurrently, the Direct Reply feature functions
when the D-STAR is the operating band. When the details of the APRS Station List are
displayed, the Callsign of the receiving D-STAR station is displayed in one line (top most
line) above the interrupt area. When the Direct Reply feature is running, a
symbol is
displayed beside the Callsign.