2.14 Digipeater Path Information
Another new information feature included in the TH-D74A/E is the digipeater path display
shown here so the recipient can understand the local network and how a given packet was
routed through the APRS digipeater network. This display shows the First and Last
digipeaters used.
Most APRS areas encourage the use of only 2 hops or less. This means, in most cases, the
full path is visible. In this image the WB3V-6 packet was first heard by the N3KTX-1
digipeater and then it was delivered to my radio by the Last hop on the KV3B-2 digipeater.
This path knowledge is very valuable to the operator in understanding his local area
There are 4 pages of information about each station received by the TH-D74A/E
and imported into the station list, and the display of this digipeater / pass is
displayed on the 4th page.
2.15 Other APRS Information Resources
The information available to the mobile operator via APRS is nearly unlimited but not if no
one is transmitting it. Ideally local info is only transmitted direct, with no path hops from the
local digipeater and no more often than once every 10 minutes to give a chance for a new
mobile to get it. If the local info has to be digipeated once, then it is a longer range and the
rate should drop to every 20. If it is sent regionally via 2 hops it should only be once every
30 minutes which is still possible for a 60 MPH traveler to be within range of 2 digipeaters
and get the info. There is plenty of room for additional content when properly added to the
local channel. This is not spam, but real immediate information of value to the mobile or
traveler. There are many examples of data sources that have been implemented in some
local areas. For example,
-Traffic speeds at select choke points: refer to: http://aprs.org/traffic.html
-MF Mobile Satellites view:
refer to: http://aprs.org/satinfo.html
-UI-InfoKiosk local info database:
refer to: http://www.apritch.co.uk/addon_uiview32.htm
-APRS client for windows
refer to: http://aprsisce.wikidot.com/clients