Electronic Thermometer
Pulse Timer Button
Use to start and stop pulse
Return to Base
Return unit to Anti-theft base
to clear anti-theft lock out
Pulse Timer
15 or 30 second timer
The FILAC 3000 Electronic Thermometer is a reliable and accurate temperature taking device. The accuracy of the FILAC 3000 Electronic
Thermometer is derived from the design, controlled calibration methods, and stringent manufacturing controls. One of the most critical parts
of the thermometer is the FILAC 3000 ACCUSYSTEM√ probe cover produced by Tyco Healthcare Group LP. When placed on the FILAC 3000
Electronic Thermometer probe, the probe cover serves as an infection control barrier between the patient and the device and acts as a medium
for heat transmission from the patient to the thermometer. The functionality of the FILAC 3000 ACCUSYSTEM√ probe cover is extremely
important for preventing device contamination and for allowing accurate patient temperature measurements.
The reason the FILAC 3000 Electronic Thermometer and FILAC 3000 ACCUSYSTEM√ probe covers have satisfied our customers’ expectations
is due to the integration of these two parts during the manufacturing process. The probe cover molding process parameters are tightly
controlled at Tyco Healthcare Group LP to minimize variation and produce consistent, reliable products.
The special grades of thermoplastic materials are also tightly controlled and are specifically chosen to deliver consistent temperature
measurements with FILAC 3000 Electronic Thermometers. The factory calibration and final acceptance determination of a FILAC 3000
Electronic Thermometer is dependent on the use of Tyco Healthcare Group LP produced FILAC 3000 ACCUSYSTEM√ probe covers. The use
of generic probe covers or other probe covers not produced by Tyco Healthcare Group LP is not supported or sanctioned by Tyco Healthcare
Group LP. The use of unauthorized probe covers could jeopardize the accuracy of the FILAC 3000 Electronics Thermometer. Check your probe
cover carton for the ACCUSYSTEM√ logo to be certain that your thermometer will deliver an accurate temperature every time it is utilized.
Quick Mode
Fast predictive measurement
mode – displays temperature
measurement in 3.5 seconds
Cold Mode
Post-operative mode.
Pre-heat temperature of 91°F
Install/Remove Probe Cover
Flashing probe cover reminder
to install probe cover prior to
use and remove cover after use
Out of Range - High
Temperature measurement is
above 109°F (43°C)
Out of Range - Low
Temperature measurement is
below 86°F (30°C)
Dead Battery
Unit will not operate until new
batteries are installed
Low Battery
Battery voltage is low – replace
batteries as soon as possible
Progress Bar
Temperature measurement status
Temperature Mode
Works only with BLUE probe
and isolation chamber
Temperature Mode
Works only with BLUE probe
and isolation chamber
Temperature Mode
Works only with RED probe
and isolation chamber
Direct Mode
Non-predictive temperature
measurement mode
Site Button
Use to change measurement
°C/°F Button
Use to change temperature