Kelly KLS8080I/IPS Sinusoidal Brushless Motor Controller User’s Manual
V 1.10
normal.Please fill in 170 for Identification Angle item in user program.Then
please click Write button in user program.Please wait a few seconds before restart the power
supply.You will see some info on Monitor screen after power supply is
reset.If you see Reset error on the Monitor screen,that is to say,the auto_Identification is
finished.You can see 85 in the Identification Angle item again.And the controller will
blink error code.This is normal.Please reset the power supply again.Then everything will be
fine.The motor is ready to be drived by the KLS controller.
Range: 85 or 170,nothing else.
(6)TPS Low Err: Hall active pedal, if lower than the value, report the fault of TPS Type. Range:
(7)TPS High Err: Hall active pedal, if higher than the value, report the fault of TPS Type. Range:
As you may know,the output of hall throttle from Kelly is about from 0.86V to 4.2V.
Our controller will report 3.3 error code if the output of hall throttle is below 0.5V or above 4.5V
by default.
The controller will think the hall throttle is shorted or damaged if the output is beyond the range
from 0.5V to 4.5V.
You can adjust the threshold voltage below or above 0.5V.The controller will report the 3.3 code
to protect the system according to different types of hall throttle.
Because there are many different hall throttle suppliers in the world.The initial output can not be
always in the range of 0.5V to 4.5V.
But it doesn't make any differences if you choose 0-5V or 3-wire pot for the throttle type.That is
to say,these two settings are only useful for hall active throttle or pedal when you chose throtle
type at 2.
As the same goes,it is valid to adjust the high threshold voltage above 4.5V or below 4.5V.
Usually the hall output voltage is 4.2V Max.If you adjust it to lower value which is near 4.2V,it
may trigger the error code in normal way.
(8)TPS Type: TPS Type, 1:0-5V 3-wire 0-5K pot,5K is normal,2K-20K can be used;2:Hall active
throttle or pedal. Range: 1~2
(9)TPS Dead Low: TPS Dead Zone Low. Range: 5~40
Functional description: Set throttle effective starting point
Suggestion: Set according to the practical situation, factory default is 20%*5V=1.0V.
(10)TPS Dead High: TPS Dead Zone High. Range: 60~95
Functional description: Set throttle effective ending point
Suggestion: Set according to the practical situation, factory default is 80%*5V=4.0V.
(11)Brake sensor type:Brake sensor type for brake variable regen mode:
1:0-5V 3-wire 0-5K pot,5K is normal,2K-20K can be used;2:Hall active throttle or pedal. Range: