3. Placement of floor slat drill jig.
Check that you have the right flooring drill jig before continuing.
Place flooring drill jig on top of the floor slat with the location dowel pins tight against
the side opposite the seal. Center the rear hole over the mark from the end of slat to
first hole in drive shoe measurement and clamp the jig.
Drill 12mm holes through the flooring. (Figures 17, 18 & 19)
4. Counter sink holes in aluminum slats only. Do not countersink holes in UHMW floor
Using a 90° countersink to a depth so the floor bolts are flush with top of floor slat. It is
critical to get a good countersink depth for a tight fit. If possible, it is suggested to use
a preset drill press for uniform hole depth. (Figure 20)
5. Install floor slats.
Slide floor slats over T-Blocks and onto bearings into position and insert bolt into drive
shoe bolt bar to hold floor slat in position while installing the next slat.
6. Bolt and torque flooring to drive shoes.
Sikaflex the floor bolts and the countersink hole surface before inserting bolt.
Torque bolts to 128 N.M [95 ft/lbs]. (Figures 20 & 21)
5.3 Side seal options
The side seal is a non-moving floor slat that fills the gap between the moving floor slats
and the side walls. Several options are available. A seal is needed between the moving
floor slats and the side seal, so some options require the use of one double seal slat.
1. Select a feasible side seal option.
Side seal gap width (‘B’) is the distance measured from the outermost floor slat to
the side wall. Allowing for the ball seal, deduct 1mm to determine the actual width
of the side seal.
2. Split slat if necessary. (See Figure 23)
Rip floor slat with a circular saw to fit side wall as closely as possible. This is
another reason container alignment is critical. Make sure that the side with the
seal groove goes to the left side of the container.
3. Bolt side seal onto support.
Make bolts flush with the side seal. Run a silicone bead between the wall and side
seal. If a wide gap exists between the side seal and the inside container wall,
bridge the gap with flat bar or angle.