Lay out the remaining tubes across the width of the container, spacing them with jigs.
Keeping the jigs above the cross-members, clamp the jig and tubes to every other cross-
member. Be sure all tubes attain the minimum overhang of 50mm. Remember to plan
for the formed cross sill attached to the drive unit. Plan the overhang into the drive gap
according to the drive unit being installed (Page 8, Figure 8).
Weld of huck bolt the square tubes to the shim that is attached to the cross members
between jigs. Move the jigs and make a connection at each intersection of a tube and a
cross-member. Welds should be 3mm fillet, 20mm to 30mm long, and centered on the
flange. Excessive welding and too little cooling will cause cross-members to warp. Figure
10 suggests a welding pattern. Starting each pass on the same side of the container
gives sufficient cooling time.
Figure 9
Figure 9
Figure 10
X= Weld First Pass
O= Weld Second Pass
25mm x 25mm Tube
Container Cross Sils (Typ)