Excalibur™ Dehydrator
Questions and Answers
On my drying trays, one side seems to dehydrate quicker than the other.
What should I do?
It is possible that your dehydrator dries one side more quickly than the other. You
should, therefore, turn the trays by 180° after half of the drying time.
My apples and pears turned brown during dehydration. Can I eat them
Yes. Brown discoloured fruit can be eaten without worry. Many types of fruit oxidise
during the drying process. They oxidise when the fruit’s pulp comes in contact with
Why should I spread pureed fruit thicker around the edges than in the middle?
The edges of pureed fruit tend to dry quicker. If the edges were just as thick as the
middle, they would dehydrate too quickly and become brittle.
After I have ground my dehydrated vegetables, what can I do with them then?
Ground onions and garlic are, of course, popular spices for many dishes and sauces.
Ground tomatoes are excellent for preparing tomato sauce, tomato paste, ketchup,
tomato juice, or tomato soup.
Simply grind the dried vegetables in a blender. Personal Blender – the quick blender
– is ideal for this (available at your Exalibur dealer or at Keimling Naturkost, see page
2). Store the prepared powder in air-tight closed jars.
During dehydration, should I remove the pieces that are already finished to
improve the circulation for pieces that are still moist and to avoid over-drying?
Yes. Remove the already dehydrated pieces from the trays and store them. The other
pieces that are still moist should stay in the dehydrator until they are completely
dried. If you have cut your fruit or vegetables in uniformly sized pieces and have
rotated the trays by 180° after half of the dehydrating process, then all pieces should
be done simultaneously.