shows the start time and end time; click the color bar to pop up a window for editing
the accurate start time and end time; click "
" on the window to validate setting.
It allows several (max 10) durations on one day and the durations cannot overlap
with each other.
Copy duration: click the green icon behind the timeline and copy the durations on
the day to one or several other days.
Delete duration: click "
Delete All
" on the top of the timeline to delete all the
durations. Select duration and click "
" on the popup window or on the top of
the timeline to delete the duration.
6) Click "
" to validate settings.
Enable this function in the interface and set guard area. When the coverage of people
exceeds the set ratio, an alarm will be triggered. For example, if setting the ratio 50%, when
50% or more of the area is covered by people, an alarm will be triggered.
Operation steps are as follows:
Check “
” and select a number from the dropdown list of
Guard Area
and user can
set only one area at one time. After saving it, user can set another and max 4 guard
areas can be set;
2) Drag the slide bar of "Ratio" to set the coverage of people in the set area;
Area Setting
: to set area. Click “
” and click mouse to draw a closed area made up of
3 to 6 points in the scene. Right click or click the starting or end point to close the area,
and click "
" to finish;
4) Check linkage type(s), which is/are the alarm output method(s) when an event triggers
an alarm;
5) Set arming duration: the default is 24 hours displaying in blue bar, or user can customize
Set duration: select a day and put the mouse on a point of the timeline, left-click and
drag the mouse to the right to draw a bright blue color bar, on the top of which
shows the start time and end time; click the color bar to pop up a window for editing
the accurate start time and end time; click "
" on the window to validate setting.
It allows several (max 10) durations on one day and the durations cannot overlap
with each other.
Copy duration: click the green icon behind the timeline and copy the durations on
the day to one or several other days.
Delete duration: click "
Delete All
" on the top of the timeline to delete all the
durations. Select duration and click "
" on the popup window or on the top of
the timeline to delete the duration.
6) Click "
" to validate settings.
Audio Surge
After enabling this function, when there is audio surge, an alarm is triggered.