REV 1.1.1 (Last Modified May 25, 2023)
13 | 29
R E V 1 . 1 . 1
CAN Bus Standard Frame Structure (CAN 2.0A)
CAN bus messages using standard frames (11-bit identifier) work the same way as extended frames (29-bit
identifier) the only difference is how the bits are interpreted. The standard frame ID consists of 1 bit for the
source (0 for master and 1 for the ESC), 5 bits for the ESC ID, and 5 bits for the object address. The ESC will
automatically detect the frame type and respond with a standard frame or extended frame based on the
received CAN bus message.
Standard Frame ID
Master to ESC
Bin: 0 00010 00000 (Hex: 0x040)
Query FW and HW (obj 0)
ESC to Master
Bin: 1 00010 00000 (Hex: 0x440)
0C 00 01 00 46
ESC ID 2 responds with its FW and HW ver.
Master to ESC
Bin: 0 00011 01000 (Hex: 0x068)
Query MCU ID (obj 8)
ESC to Master
Bin: 1 00011 01000 (Hex: 0x468)
99 70 57 17 20 33 33 37
ESC ID 2 responds with its MCU ID
Master Broadcast
Bin: 0 00001 00011 (Hex: 0x02B)
Broadcast query voltage, current, etc.
ESC ID 2 to Master
Bin: 1 00010 00000 (Hex: 0x44B)
06 27 00 C8 00 00 1B 00
ESC ID 2 responds to message obj 11
ESC ID 3 to Master
Bin: 1 00011 01011 (Hex: 0x46B)
05 f5 01 2C 00 00 19 00
ESC ID 3 responds to message obj 11