C-mail safe block is a function to reject C-mails that include a URL (http://
) or a phone number in the C-mail message
This function is turned ON at the time of purchase.
However, the C-mail safe block function can be turned OFF in order to receive C-mails
that include a URL or phone number.
C-mail Safe Block Function
C-mail is sent using a phone number.
Example : 090-0001-XXXX
C-mail can be sent to au cellphones
that support C-mail.
About C-mail
C-mail is a service using phone numbers for sending/receiving mails to/from
"C-mail" compatible au cellphones. Each message of C-mail can include up to
50 two-byte (100 one-byte) characters.
* For sending C-mails, a C-mail transmittion fee will be charged.