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horizontal piezoelectric can be checked. The normal value is between 300~400.
At this time, pressing the balance shaft can see that the number has a large jump
change is normal, otherwise the horizontal piezoelectric line or the circuit board
part has a fault.
5.7.3 Press < ALU > key and display [P1.] [XX]. At this time, the quality of
vertical piezoelectric can be checked. The normal value is between 300~400. At
this time, pressing the balance shaft can see that the number has a large jump
change is normal, otherwise the vertical piezoelectric line or the circuit board
part has a fault.
5.7.4 Press < ALU > key to display [dIS] [xx] at this time pull the ruler can
check the quality of the distance ruler. For repeatedly pulled to a certain position,
its display value is basically the same.
5.7.5 Press < ALU > again to display [DIA] [XX]. Rotate the drawing ruler at
this time to check the quality of the diameter ruler. The value should not be
between 750 and 900 when the ruler is leaning against the rotation axis. For
repeated rotation to a certain position, the value displayed is basically the same.
5.7.6 If there is radar width measurement, press < ALU > to display [LAR]
[360]. "360" indicates the distance between radar transmitting head and the
flange face of balance shaft. Can press B button [
], B button [
], adjust. For
the specific adjustment, the protective cover can be lowered at this time to start
the radar width measurement (pay attention to the correct distance value), until
the measurement is accurate.
Press < ALU > to exit