Power issues: If the DAFM synth doesn't turn on or seems to have no power, check that the
power supply is properly plugged in and that the power switch is in the "on" position. If the
issue persists, try using a different power supply or contacting technical support.
Sound issues: If the DAFM synth isn't producing sound or the sound is distorted, first check that
the audio cables are properly connected to the synth's output and to the speakers or mixer. If
the issue persists, try adjusting the volume and tone controls. If there's still no sound, check
that the synth is set to the correct MIDI channel and that the corresponding MIDI device is
sending signals to that channel.
Parameter issues: If some of the synth's parameters don't seem to be working properly or the
sound is not what you expect, make sure that you're using the correct settings and that you're
not exceeding the synth's limits. Check the manual for information on the available menus,
knobs, and switches, and try experimenting with different combinations until you achieve the
desired result.
Preset issues: If you're having trouble loading or saving presets, make sure that you're
following the correct procedures and that you're using the right file names and formats. Check
the manual for information on how to navigate the preset menus and how to use MIDI
commands to load and save presets. If the issue persists, try using a different SD card or
contacting technical support.
MIDI issues: If you're having trouble controlling the DAFM Synth with an external MIDI device or
if you're not getting any response from the synth, check that the MIDI connections are properly
set up and that the MIDI channels and parameters are correctly configured. Check the manual
for information on the available MIDI options and how to use them.
Other issues: If you're experiencing other issues with the DAFM Synth, such as unexpected
behavior or malfunctioning components, try resetting the synth to its default settings or
contacting technical support for further assistance. remember to provide as much information
as possible about the issue and any steps you've already taken to troubleshoot
dafm synth
genesis ym2612 and ym3438