There are vehicle identification stickers
on the vehicle.
2.1. Vehicle Identification Plate
Vehicle identification plate is located on
the right side of the vehicle.
You may find these information’s on this
Vehicle Identification Plate
1- Vehicle Type
2- Serial Number
3- Technical Total Capacity
4- Permitted Total Capacity
5- Type Approval Number
6- Production Date
The serial number of the vehicle ( vehicle
identification number) is located on the
Vehicle Identification Number
2.2. Warranty and Responsibility
Our trailers, semi-trailers and truck on-
board applications are manufactured in
compliance with regulations and our
quality standards. It is necessary to per-
form the maintenance to ensure our
products always operate in the most effi-
cient manner in compliance with our lat-
programs. The warranty starting date is
the date that the vehicle is delivered to
the customer.
The performance of maintenance and re-
pair/servicing of the vehicle with the use
of original spare parts by authorized
service shall assure the client’s warranty
rights. This warranty is based upon the
usage and maintenance conditions de-
scribed herein and in the warranty book.
Thus, it is important to read and under-
stand this operation manual and war-
ranty book.
It is necessary to keep the warranty, al-
ways operating and maintenance man-
ual available on the vehicle to allow
authorized service performing the servic-
ing to see the warranty conditions and
maintenance records. In the repairs
made during the warranty period, the au-
thorized service performing the repair
will demand this. Purchasing one trailer
or semi-trailer is an important invest-
ment. For the highest return on your in-
vestment, it is necessary to comply with
the manufacturer’s procedures and rec-