We warmly congratulate you for the choice of this
excellent mixer which will give you outstanding results
in hi-fi reproduction and recording permitting you to
check all your audio apparatus, for which will be an
irreplaceable control and adjustment station. It’s
manufactured with components of high quality and it’s
the result of a precise planning. To its inputs, you can
connect your turntables, cassette players, tuners and
microphones; the signal of all your apparatus will be
adjusted and mixed by the precise commands of the
mixer. Output tonality will be set by “HIGH”,“LOW” and
“MID” controls, while thanks to “TALK OVER” system
the “DJ” microphone will be prevalent on the whole
mixing. It is also possible to check each input by a
headphone through the “CUE” control and the “V-
METERS” will state exactly the output level for each
stereo channel. The result of whole mixing could be
adjusted at your like by the band equalizers that will
permit you to subdue or to exalt different audio-
frequency tones and “FADER” circuit will offer you
suggestive effects of fading surrounding between the
two inputs and it also allows to start and stop the
suggestive superimposition function.Besides the
“SCRATCH” effect allows to start of stop the connected
amplifiers. Please follow these instructions carefully,
to obtain the best results.
For each description refer to the pictures showing
commands and power supply positions.
1. Be sure that the “POWER” switch (1) be in “OFF”
position; in this way the apparatus is off. All connections
must be effected when the apparatus is off. Besides,
be sure that all linear controls (38-41) be on zero,
“FADER”(36) and “LOW” “MID” “HIGH” (7) controls be
in central position, that the “TALK OVER” switch (21)
be on external position.
2. Insert the plug (19) into the 220 Volt current socket.
The apparatus has a fuse (20). If it burns, replace it with
another with the same amper value and be sure that the
apparats has not had electric damages.
3. The connections of the mixer to the other your audio
apparatus must be effected using shielded cables,
equipped with appropriate pins. Be sure of the perfect
contact both of the central pole and of the external
ground wrong contacts can cause noises, buzzing etc.
This mixer has also the “AUTOSTART” input (15) that
allow you to listen your turn-table moving the slider of
its own channel (CH3 or CH4), after that “START” (15)
button has been pressed.
4. The first amplifier must be connected to the “OUTPUT
Y”(22) jack, respecting the right channel (R) and left (L)
besides a second amplifier has to be connected to the
“OUTPUT X” (23). The result of the whole mixing will
come out from these outputs.
5. The recorder must be connected to the “REC2-
REC1”(24-25) jacks, always respecting the channel
right (R) and left (L). To these jacks there is always the
output signal that is the same one at the “OUTPUT X-
Y” (22-23) jacks, but at a lower level.
6. The DJ microphone, equipped with a Cannon jack,
must be inserted into its own (2) jack.
7. To the “PHONO”(27-29) jacks must be connected a
stereo turn-table respecting the right (R) and the left (L)
channel. To the “LINE”(26-28) can be connected a CD,
a radio receiver, a VCR or any other similar instruments.
Acting on “LINE/PHONO”(4) you will choose the
apparatus to be inserted in mixing that is connected
with (26-29) inputs.
8. Same apparatus as above (line type) could be
connected to “CD” (30-32) inputs while two other
microphones or musical instruments could be
connected to (31-33) inputs. Acting on “MIC/CD” (3)
you will choose the apparatus to be inserted in mixing.
9. The terminal jack “GND”(43) is the contact of ground
which must be connected to the metallic grounds of the
other apparatus, or to the ground connection of the
1. Power on: once all connections are completed and
adjusted the audio apparatus connected to the mixer
for their normal working, move the button “POWER”(1)
on ”ON” to supply the mixer.
2. Microphone: when the “TALK OVER” switch (21) is
on external position, the audio level of the microphone
is adjustable by the control (37); by pressing the switch
“TALK OVER”(21) there will be a strong attenuation of
all the other signals connected to the mixer, therefore
the DJ-microphone will become prevalent on all the
other signals.
3. ìMIC/DJî & ìPHONO/LINEî selection: thanks to
linear controls (38-39-40-41) you can adjust the four
stereo inputs. Eight different instruments can be
connected to the four inputs. You will choose four of
these eight instruments through the “MIC/CD” (3) and
“LINE/PHONO” (4) switches. Any difference of
impedance of the connected apparatus will be adjusted
by its own GAIN (5) control knobs.
4. Linear controls: controls (38-39-40-41) adjust the
prevalence of the apparatus chosen by switches (3-4).
When controls are on zero they are excluded. “HIGH”,
“MID” and “LOW”(7) controls adjust, at your like, the
DJ-microphone tonality or the tonality of any other