machinery is strained and the service life of the
machine is reduced.
The machine may not be used without suction.
The machine will break if you use it when suc-
tion is not turned on.
The hair to be stripped must be wiry and ready
for stripping.
4.2. Turning on and o
First turn on the vacuum cleaner and then the
KarhiaPro machine by sliding the switch to “on”.
To turn the machine o
, slide the switch to “o
Ensure that the power level of the machine is
set to a minimum. If it is possible to adjust the
power of the vacuum, set it to medium for
short-haired dogs. When grooming long-haired
dogs, the suction should be set to maximum
power. Place the comb that comes with the
rmly against the dog’s skin and hold
tight to the skin with your other hand. Start
stripping hair on the dog’s back. The Karhia-
Tube container can be used to check how the
hair starts to detach. Move the machine slowly.
Start to increase the area you started in.
4.3. Stripping power adjustment
Before starting trimming, adjust the stripping
power while the machine is on by turning the
power knob to direction marked with (+). In-
crease the power until the rubber stripping belt
starts to rotate with the stripping paw.
Start by trimming a small area on the dog’s back
while keeping the dog’s skin tight with your
other hand. Increase the stripping power grad-
ually. When the machine starts to remove the
hair, you can usually increase the power even
more and thus speed up the trimming. If the
dog starts to react with the too high stripping
power, decrease the strength.
Stripping paws wear out little by little, so de-
pending on the type of trimmed hair you may
need to increase the stripping power as the
work progresses.
4.4. Comb distance adjustment
The comb distance adjustment allows you to
optimise stripping for coats of di
erent lengths.
The comb can be adjusted to three di
distances. Move the comb by releasing the latch
on the bottom of the handle (
g. 8).
When the hair is short, that is, down to a few
centimetres, the comb can be kept at the short-
est setting, as close as possible to the stripping
paw and belt.
If a new, shorter layer of top coat has grown,
adjust the comb further away from the strip-
ping paw and belt.
You will
nd the best distance by trying di
ent settings during trimming and looking at
how the hair detaches.
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Karhia Pro User Manual 1.1
Copyright Karhia Innovations Oy 2018