DS200 User’s Guide
DS200 User’s Guide
DS200 User’s Guide
DS200 User’s Guide
V003. 09.09.2002
Hotel Room:
Hotel Room:
Hotel Room:
Hotel Room:
The extension who has been given authorization for some extra features, yet who has also
been restricted for some other features, through programming.
External number:
External number:
External number:
External number:
The CO number that will be dialed after accessing the lines of the exchange whenever an
outgoing call is to be made.
Line number:
Line number:
Line number:
Line number:
The line number of the exchange to be dialed, if an extension wishes to employ a specific line
for making an outgoing call. It is of four digits by default.
If the exchange has been equipped with the EVM200L card, then ACD is the system that
makes automatic call distribution (Auto attendant) in order to provide for the external callers
faster access of the extensions.
Service Explanations:
Service Explanations:
Service Explanations:
Service Explanations:
The services have been described both in symbolic pictures and in text that explains the
actions to be done step by step, within this guide. As can be seen, the last steps of some
services have been stated as “Listen to the internal dial tone”. In that step, the extension who
receives the internal dial tone can either hang up or can start using another service if s/he
The service may not work as desired, if one or more of the steps have been skipped or not
completed, which are in the explanation list. In case the service does not work, even if the
entire steps have been completely followed, then the source of the trouble can be searched
by the help of the explanations in the “Notes” section. Please apply to your authorized
reseller if a solution cannot be reached through the “Notes” section, either.
Moreover, considering the services ending with the statement: “
Replace the handset
if the extension possesses authorization to use the “
” key (apply to the System Supervisor
for that authorization), s/he can realize the same operation by pressing the “
” key, instead
of replacing the handset. Besides, the extension will directly receive the internal dial tone
and will be able to make use of any other service s/he wishes.
Likewise, considering the cases when the extension needs to make “
Hook flash “, if
the extension possesses authorization to use the “
” key (apply to the System Supervisor
for that authorization), s/he can make hook flash by pressing the “
” key, instead of
pressing the hook switch for a short while.