6.1.4 SaTa Speed
The SATA Speed option allows you to Select the data transfer mode.
Tap the
‘ENT’ button
and then press the
UP/DoWN buttons
to change this option’s setting.
AUTO - The system auto-selects the SATA speed mode based on the connected drives (default).
1.5G - Limit the data transfer mode to SATA I speeds (1.5Gbps)
3G - Limit the data transfer mode to SATA II speeds (3Gbps)
6.1.5 Show Checksum
The Show Checksum option allows you to configure whether the disk checksum is displayed on the
LCD screen when duplication is finished.
Tap the
‘ENT’ button
to change this option’s setting.
[ ]
– Showing the disk checksum is disabled (default). The checksum information will not be
displayed at the end of each duplication process.
– Showing the disk checksum is enabled. The checksum information will be displayed at
the end of each duplication process.
6.1.6 Verify Checksum
The Verify Checksum option allows you to configure whether the duplicator will compare the
checksum value of the Source against the Target drives when duplication is finished.
Tap the
‘ENT’ button
to change this option’s setting.
[ ]
– Verifying the disk checksum is disabled (default).
– Verifying the disk checksum is enabled.
6.1.7 SHa256 Check
The SHA256 Check option allows you to configure whether the system checks for a matching
SHA256 hash between the Master and Target drives when duplication completes successfully.
Tap the
‘ENT’ button
to change this option’s setting.
[ ]
– SHA256 hash checking is disabled (default). The hash of the Master will not be checked
against the Target hash at the end of each duplication process.
– SHA256 hash checking is enabled. The hash of the Master will be checked against the
Target hash at the end of each duplication process.
The Setup Menus