Wing wires are NOT required to fly this model if using a 50cc engine BUT are
recommended with larger engines
. The fuselage and wing attachments for the rigging are
included. Due to the many methods of assembly used by modelers, we have not included
couplers or the rigging wire.
Please take the time to locate all of the parts and check them off against the list provided.
Remove all of the Fuselage, wing and tail pieces from the sealed bags and let stand for 12 –
24 hours to clematis to your local conditions.
Depending on your location, some wrinkles or bubbles may appear. If they do, they can be
quickly remedied by using a heat gun.
We found the best way is to apply heated air from the blower at a 45 degree angle and
continuously moving the blower in large circles at a medium pace. This distributes the heat
over a wide area and prevents the material from over-heating.
Once the material is taught, further heat applications should not be required.