For engines with separate ignitions, you can
either install the unit inside the firewall box or
attached to the firebox sidewall. We suggest you
wrap it in foam to prevent vibration damage and
If attached to sidewall, use plastic ties.
Depending on your engine set up, you may wish
to install a choke servo rather than manually
operate it.
state that you MUST be able to shut off the
engine remotely using another method other
then Throttle.
If you do not control the choke using the radio,
then you will be required to install some form of
interrupter to the electrical portion of the engine.
Install the throttle servo. Servo positions are
provided on either side of the fuselage interior.
Pick the side that best matches your carburetor
Install the Throttle linkage. We recommend that
you use Nyrod for this application. It has been
reported that some radios may be affected by
engine ignition noise.
Connect the throttle and choke servos
temporarily to your receiver and ensure proper
operation. Quite often, you may have to limit the
servo arm throws by adjusting your Tx settings.
Radio Installation
You have previously balanced the plane by
placing the receiver, batteries, etc. loosely in the
fuselage. Now it is time to put everything in
Locate and install switches for radio and ignition.
To operate the upper ailerons, run a 12 inch
extension up the inside of each of the rear
cabanes. I used white electrical tape to bind and
hide the wires.
Another option to the extensions is a “Y” harness
with 12 inch leads.
Depending upon your radio, you should consider
either using separate channels for left and right
ailerons, you using a system of 3 “Y’ harnesses
into one channel. You will also have to consider
using 2 channels for elevator or purchasing a
“servo reversing Y” harness to use 1 channel.
Wrap your receiver and batteries in foam and
mount securely. ( For this build, the batteries
were located in the side wall packet forward of
the front cabane.)
For radios that use long wire antennae, a plastic
tube is located in the interior of the fuselage.