Ka st up A/S • Te h i al Des iptio •
Adjustment mark
The s
ol A
and the corresponding figure indicate the number of flow adjustments and legal changes
after factory verification. For further description see paragraph
It is possible to reset the legal registers and change the factory programmed flow curve to a limited extent.
The flow adjustment makes it possible to adjust the existing curve at three points. The total adjustment
compared to the factory adjustment cannot /- 10 %.
As long as
o adjust e ts ha e ee ade, oth the A a d the digit a e i a ti e, a d Ka st up A/S does
ot add fu the adjust e t a ki g to the ete . Afte the fi st adjust e t, the A
activates and the digit
shows the number of adjustments (1 to 9). Below you see the sequence from adjustments 1 to 9.