Ka st up A/S • Te h i al Des iptio •
_GB •
Flow arrows
The flow arrows in the left side of the display indicate whether water flows through the meter (in the right
direction). If there is no flow (or backwards flow), all arrows are OFF. If there is flow through the meter, the
following sequence runs with a timing of 0.5 seconds per reading.
Wireless M-Bus
The meter has a built-in radio transmitter for Wireless M-Bus Mode C1 or T1 OMS.
Consequently it is one way transmission. The meter does not include a radio receiver and cannot be
contacted via radio.
Data packages are sent at intervals of approx. 16 or 96 seconds via the built-in antenna.
Every eights packag
e is a full st i g , he eas the i te e i g pa k
ages are
o pa t st i gs .
The time between transmissions depends on whether the meter is configured to 'Drive-by' or 'Fixed
this selection is determined when ordering the meter, or it can be configured later by means of
Please note: The contents of the data package is updated every time a pakage is sent.
A full st i g i ludes e t a i fo atio o ho the ete data a e to e i te p eted. O e a si gle full
st i g has ee e ei ed, the e ai i g ete populatio of ide ti all o
nfigured meters can be read by a
o pa t st i g .
When sending a data package each 16. second the data package is short and compressed to achieve a long
battery life.
By 96 second intervals, a long and intelligent radio package with built-in 'repair coding' is sent. At the same
time the power of the signal is higher and therefore optimized for use in fixed networks. With the
increased interval between the transmissions, the same high battery life is guaranteed.