Turn Speed
The Turn Speed slider adjusts the
amount of acceleration that KeyMander
2 adds when moving your mouse. A
setting of 0 on the slider is equal to zero
acceleration added by KeyMander 2.
Settings of 1-50 add progressively
greater amounts of aim acceleration to
compensate for games with a slow
aim/look mechanic. When tuning your
profiles it is always best to start at 0
and begin making adjustments only
when needed. For best accuracy
remember to tune your Aim/Look
sensitivity first, then fine tune the Turn Speed slider as needed for your style of play. Here's a quick
visual of how increasing Turn Speed slider setting works:
Mouse Traction Control
The Mouse Traction Control setting
adjusts the amount of vertical
correction applied when moving the
mouse horizontally, to help keep the
aim/look view level when making fast,
long turns. This feature is designed
that when spinning 180 degrees to
see an enemy behind you, a slightly
angled mouse swipe doesn’t cause
you to be aiming above their head or
below their feet. The cost for this
ability can be a loss of precision when
making diagonal movements or small
movements when aiming-down-sight for sniping. A setting of Level 1 is equal to maximum vertical
correction applied by KeyMander 2, and higher settings add decreasing amounts of correction up to
Level 7 where zero correction is applied. Depending on the game, most users will see improved
performance accuracy in long turns with the default setting, and advanced users will still see some
benefits between Levels 5-6. High level users that want no correction should select Level 7.