Lane Detection
The lane departure warning video camera integrated into the base of the rear-view mirror
on the windshield monitors the area ahead of the vehicle. The video camera captures the
roadway up to approximately 131ft. to the front of the vehicle and up to approximately 5m/
16.4 ft to the right and left.
The image data is sent to the KAFAS control unit along an LVDS data line for analysis.
Using image processing technology, the control unit scans the images recorded by the
video camera for lane and roadway markings.
The software in the control unit also checks which lane markings apply to the
current lane in which the vehicle is driving.
First, the control unit calculates the vehicle’s position relative to the lanes detected in the
camera images and then uses this position as basis for converting the data into a lane
departure warning.
The fundamental parameters for this calculation are the road speed and steering angle of
the vehicle.
F01/F02 Lane departure warning video camera