5. Dial
right (CW) briskly. The new combination will be displayed two times, two digits at
a time, followed by
PO (Pull Out Change Key).
Note: If the correct combination is not displayed, you may pull out the change key and the
lock will allow you to reset the combination.
You must pull out the change key while
the display is still flashing.
appears, insert the change key again and dial the
desired combination.
6. Pull out the Change Key. The Change Key symbol will disappear.
Dual Mode, confirmation is prompt is “C1” followed by “C2.”
B.) Super/Sub Mode, confirmation prompt is “CC” followed by “C2.”
7. Dial the
new combinations once again for confirmation.
Note: In Dual Combination Mode you may dial either combination first to confirm. In Super/
Sub Mode you must dial the Supervisory combination first and the Subordinate Combination
second as you did when first entering the combinations.
8. Dial
right (CW). After OP with a right arrow (OPen right) is displayed, continue dialing
to the right to retract the lock bolt.The new combinations have now been set.
Note: If you misdial or do not properly finish the Change Key sequence in any way, the
X-10 automatically reverts to the previous combination(s). The old combination(s) remain
valid until the process is completed successfully.
Caution: After you have confirmed the new combination(s), test dial the combination(s)
before closing the door or container.
If the door of your container is shut and the X-10 is accidentally locked with the Change Key still
inserted in the back of the lock, you can recover with the following procedure
1 Allow the lock to power down (After 40 seconds, the display will go blank)
2 Dial right (CW) until lock is “powered” and the number of successful openings
will flash
Caution: Do not continue to dial right once you see the flashing numbers on the display.
3. While flashing, turn the dial left (CCW) and enter the previous valid combination just as
you would to open the lock ; i.e.,
left (CCW) to dial the first number, right (CW) to dial
the second number,
left (CCW) to dial the third number.
4. Dial
right (CW). After OP with a right arrow (OPen right) is displayed, continue dialing
to the right to retract the lock bolt.
You may now restart the procedure to Set the Operating Mode and Change Combination(s).
Note: You cannot use the serial number in place of the combination for this procedure.
The combination must be known.