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Install Instructions for Cencon Motorized Deadbolt Entry Assembly
1. Use the dimensions provided in Figure 2 to establish the exact locations
(relative to the spindle hole) of the mounting holes for the Entry Device and the
lock assembly. Be sure to consider the cable length from the entry device to the
2. The spindle hole diameter can be a minimum of .406” (10.3mm) to a maximum
of .438” (11.1mm). The .406” (10.3mm) diameter is recommended. Spindle hole
must be deburred.
3. The Entry Device mounting screws require drilled and tapped holes to 3/8”
(9.5mm) depth if possible (minimum 1/4” or 6.4mm depth required.)
(Figure 2 – Hole Locations. Not to scale)
4. Screw the two mounting studs into the stud mounting holes just drilled. Tighten
to approximately 15-20 inch-pounds.
5. Open the safe door and keep it open.
6. Feed the assembly’s two cables through the spindle hole one at a time. Note:
maximum door thickness is 5 inches to allow for current cable length.
7. Place the entry assembly onto the front of the safe door. Place the two larger
holes of the entry assembly over the two mounting studs as shown in Figure
2, and then apply downward pressure to pop the mounting studs onto the wall.
Pull up slack in the cables from the inside of the safe door as you place the
assembly so that the cables will not be damaged. The entry should now be held
in place by the mounting studs.
To remove the entry assembly, apply upward pressure to the entry unit until
the entry studs are moved out of the way, and then rotate it laterally to the left to
reveal the entry’s reverse side.