All Alarm Inputs will activate
Relay 1
All Activity Detection will activate Relay 2
All Video Loss will activate
Activity Parameters Setup
The menu for ACTIVITY PARAMETERS SETUP appears as:
Activity Parameters Setup
Camera : 01
Sensitivity : 05
Record Rate : 4X
Relay Output : 02
The motion detection sensitivity on each camera can be set to levels of 1-10. This setting is set on a
camera-by-camera basis, and applies to all the ENABLED zones in any particular camera scene.
Each of the 256 zones (16 x 16 grid) stores 256 Grey levels of discrimination, averaged over the
zone’s area. Changes in the 256 Grey levels in a zone can be set as follows:
1 = least sensitive setting = detect change of 100 of 256 Grey levels in a zone, averaged over
a zone.
10 = most sensitive setting = detect change of 5 of 256 Grey levels in a zone, averaged over
a zone.
The highest sensitivity of 10 is only reasonable if the video signal has extremely low
noise. (The factory default sensitivity setting is 5, for all cameras.)
When setting sensitivity, choose the highest setting that does not result in very frequent ‘false’ motion
detection. The higher the sensitivity, the more likely it is that incidental movement will be detected as
motion, so if motion is indicated without apparent cause, reduce the sensitivity.
When setting high sensitivity, such as 8, 9 or 10, it is important to ensure that sources of false
motion, such as trees and bushes which may move in the wind, or windows which can reflect flashes
of light, are eliminated from detection if possible. To do this, DISABLE the corresponding zones as
described above in SETUP ACTIVE ZONES.
Sensitivity Scope:
Refer to the description under SETUP ACTIVE ZONES sub-menu for further information on setting
Record Rate:
(This setting is only used in ACTIVITY DETECTION).
Your multiplexer shares one VCR between many cameras. As a result, the video from a camera
which normally provides 60 fields a second must be time sliced and reduced to a rate of far fewer