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1. Thread comes off at the start of
1-1) Stitch skipping at the start of
1-A) Too much clearance between
Set the clearance at 0.05 to 0.1mm between the needle and the hook.
needle and hook.
Set up “soft start” at the beginning of sewing.
1-B) Penetration registance of the
Use a thinner needle. (Lower the needle count to be
thread against the cloth is small.
1-2) Length of thread remaining
2-A) Tension controller No. 1 provides
Properly adjust the tension controller No. 1.
at the needle is not sufficient.
an excessive tension.
2-B) Floating of the AT thread
Adjust the amount of AT thread tension floating.
tension disc is insufficient.
2-C) Stroke of the thread take-up
Adjust the stroke of the thread take-up spring.
spring is excessive.
2-D) The thread take-up spring
Adjust the thread take-up spring tension.
tension is insufficient.
2-E) Level difference between the
Adjust the height of the counter knife.
needle hole guide and the
counter knife is excessively high.
2-F) Needle thread tension is high
Adjust the needle thread tension.
and the thread is excessively
2-G)Thread spreading section of
Polish the thread spreading section of the moving
the moving knife has scratches.
knife with buff or replace the knife.
1-3) Length of bobbin thread re-
3-A) Level difference between the
Adjust the height of the counter knife.
maining is not sufficient.
needle hole guide and the
(Otherwise, widen the gap.)
counter knife is excessively high.
3-B) Lower face of the needle hole
Polish the needle hole guide with a buff or replace it.
guide has scratches.
3-C) Thread spreading section of the
Polish the thread spreading section of the moving
moving knife has scratches.
knife with buff or replace the knife.
3-D) Shuttle upper spring has
Polish the shuttle upper race with a buff or replace
3-E) The bobbin thread tension is
Adjust the bobbin thread tension.
3-F) The bobbin or bobbin case
Polish it with a buff or replace it.
has scratches.
Cause (1)
Cause (2)
Check and corrective measures
(2) Sewing conditions
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