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MINIDISQUE remote recorders are devices intended 
to monitor the temperature. 

They are made up of a neutral gas thermometer and 
write on a circular diagram with a fibre point pen. 

The case is made up of a closed body and a 
perforated rear hood made of white ABS plastic, and 

A clockwork movement, a diagram, the 
measurement’s drive element and the mechanical 
amplification device as well the interchangeable fibre 
point pen inscription. 

The case front panel is a key locked transparent 
polycarbonate door. 




The temperature probe is made up of a rigid envelope, in a stainless steel tube 10 mm in diameter and a 
standard length of 100 mm, filled with high pressure nitrogen, connected to the recording case by a 
copper capillary tube with a standard length of 3 m. 

Other probe and capillary lengths can be used. The capillary can be made of stainless steel. 

The diagram drive is ensured by : 

- A standard quartz two-speed clockwork mechanism (1x24h and 7x24h) powered by a standard 
commercial battery. 

Other types of drives are optionally available, 
- Clockwork mechanism powered by an external power source, 

The recording corresponding to the rated time length is done on a complete diagram rotation. 

Each MINIDISQUE remote comes in a shockproof packaging that includes: 

1 envelope of 100 diagrams 
1 fibre point pen per measurement channel 
1 set of keys 
1 strap for a protrusive assembly or 1 bracket for a built-in assembly 
1 battery (in the self-contained versions) 



Fibre point pen 



 Door lock 



