Programming NJU39612
There are basically two different ways of programming the NJU39612. They are called “single-pulse programming”
and “double-pulse programming.” Writing to the device can only be accomplished by addressing one register at a
time. When taking one step, at least two registers are normally updated. Accordingly there must be a certain time
delay between writing to the first and the second register. This programming necessity gives some special stepping
Double-pulse Programming
The normal way is to send two write pulses to the device, with the correct addressing in between, keeping the delay
between the pulses as short as possible. Write signals will look as illustrated in figure10. The advantages are:
• low torque ripple
• correct step angles between each set of double pulses
• short compromise position between the two step pulses
• normal microstep resolution
Single-pulse Programming
A different approach is to send one pulse at a time with an equally-spaced duty cycle. This can easily be accom-
plished and any two adjacent data will make up a microstep position. Write signals will look as in figure 11. The
advantages are:
• higher microstep resolution
• smoother motion
The disadvantages are:
• higher torque ripple
• compromise positions with almost-correct step angles