1. In the Function List screen use the roller to highlight 12.
TRVL adjust and press the roller to access the Travel adjust
2. Rotate the roller to highlight the desired channel that
you wish to adjust the travel adjust and press the roller
to access that channel. Move the corresponding stick or
switch in the desired direction to highlight the value for that
direction, then rotate the roller to adjust the travel adjust
value for that direction.
: For most aircraft, the best mechanical advantage
is to set the travel adjust to 125% or higher and adjust
the mechanical setup on the aircraft to achieve the proper
throw. To increase travel mechanically, either move out
on the servo arm or in on the control horn; to decrease
travel mechanically move in on the servo arm or out on
the control horn. Keep in mind that moving out on the
servo arm or moving in on the control horn reduces the
mechanical advantage of the surface, and an improper
mechanical setup can lead to flutter.
Most giant-scale aircraft pilots use different dual rates and
expo for each flight mode to customize the aircraft feel and
performance in each flight mode. For instance in 3-D Flight
mode, generally the Dual rate is set to 100% or higher, and
the Expo is generally set to 50% or higher to soften the feel
of the aircraft at center, which makes the aircraft fly normally
around center, but then allows for 3D control rates at full stick
deflection. Alternately, for SNAP mode, generally the rates
are set low for elevator and rudder, and higher for aileron
to improve snap roll performance, with moderate expo on
aileron and lower expo on elevator and rudder. In normal flight
mode, generally the rates and expo are set to comfortably fly a
sequence or basic aerobatics smoothly with low rates and low
expo values. Rates and Expo can be custom tailored to each
pilot‘s own desired feel for each aircraft and often vary from
pilot to pilot and aircraft to aircraft.
Step 11. Travel Adjust
Dual Rate and Exponential