Print quality vs print time
The speed can also be changed while printing. Go to
LCD Menu - Tune - Speed.
By turning the control
knob clockwise you can increase the print speed up to 150 %. Turning the knob counterclockwise
decreases the print speed - the minimum speed is 50%. Watch the results of increased or decreased
speed on the printed model and adjust the speed accordingly. Keep in mind that acceleration is
unaffected by this value, so the change in speed is not directly proportional to the change in print
8.8 Infill
Infill is another parameter that
affects the printed object
- mainly the speed of printing, structural
strength and even the look of the printed object.
Objects printed with the FFF/FDM method are not solid. Instead, you can find a certain
3D pattern
inside these objects.
The patterns can range from a simple grid or honeycomb to more complex
shapes. The purpose of the infill remains the same:
give the object a certain level of structural
Many models can be printed with 10-15% infill, but if you require the model to be stronger
(e.g. a structural part), select a denser infill.
8.9 Brim
A brim is used to
increase adhesion to the print bed and decrease the possibility of warping.
is done by printing extra outlines of the first layer and it’s especially useful when the footprint of the
first layer is very small. You can turn it on in PrusaSlicer by ticking a checkbox in the right panel.
When the print is finished, it’s usually very easy to remove brim with hand. Alternatively, you can use
a deburring tool or a scalpel to remove the brim.
8.10 Large object printing
Original Prusa MINI has a smaller bed compared to the Original Prusa i3 MK3S, however, with
some clever tricks,
you can print massive objects with the MINI as well.
Do not let the smaller
print bed stop you - check our blog at
to learn how to assemble large models
from several smaller parts.