Deformations on the land area.
Thin or weak land area – too narrow.
Increase the TIMER setting on the sealer.
Check cap/liner specifications to ensure the correct liner is being used.
Check container specifications.
Verify the torque requirement of your container and closure.
Verify the proper alignment of the sealing head and your container during the sealing process.
Inspect your containers.
Overheated or Burned Seal
An Overheated or Burned Seal result on a container is when the liner shows signs of discoloration,
deterioration, and/or wrinkling. The inside of the closure may show signs of melting, and on a 2-
piece liner the backing material may be discolored or burned, depending upon the severity of the
A burned smell often accompanies overheating and may possibly affect the smell or taste of your
product and may be the only indication of overheating.
NOTE: When overheating of the liner occurs, ignition of the liner and/or container contents is
Possible Causes
Excessive cycle time.
Insufficient on-torque.
Improper sealing head placement on cap – not centered or level to the closure.
Deformations on the land area.
Thin or weak land area – too narrow.
Decrease the TIMER setting on the sealer.
Verify the torque requirement of your container and closure.
Verify the proper alignment of the sealing head and your container during the sealing process.
Inspect your containers.