No Seal
A No Seal result on a container is when the container is run through a sealing cycle and the liner
shows no signs of adhesion to the lip of the container.
Possible Causes
Insufficient cycle time.
Incorrect induction liner - Incompatibility.
Sealer not running.
Increase the TIMER setting on the sealer.
Check cap/liner specifications to ensure the correct liner is being used.
Turn On / Troubleshoot Sealer.
Partial or Weak Seal
A Partial Seal result on a container is when the liner only shows signs of adhesion to a portion of the
lip of the container when the closure is removed.
A Weak Seal result on a container is when the liner shows signs of full adhesion to a portion of the
lip of the container, but fails under pressure tests.
These conditions can range from a seal that let’s go under light pressure to a pinhole leak that exists
along the lip of the container. On 2-piece liners you may also see signs or swirling or twisting due to
poor wax melt or absorption.
Possible Causes
Insufficient cycle time.
Incorrect induction liner - incompatibility.
Insufficient on-torque.
Improper sealing head placement on cap – not centered or level to the closure.