This guide should be followed in case of failure of the appliance to operate correctly. If
symptoms persist contact Customer Service on 1300 669 500
The Appliance
will not light at
Make sure you have new batteries installed in the correct position.
Check the cap of the battery case for instructions on how they should
be installed.
Check for sufficient water pressure. The unit must have a minimum of
25 kPa of sustained water pressure to activate the burners.
There is the possibility of finding some kind of epoxy or debris within
the water regulator. Check that the water inlet filter screen is clean. To
flush the system you can reverse the hookup by taking the water inlet
pipe and hooking it up to the water outlet side and back. If the gas
cylinder is contaminated by air, turn the unit on and off several times to
purge the air from the gas.
Check that the shower flow water regulator is in the open position
Water flows
through the unit,
but is not hot!
New batteries may be required for the ignition switch. Verify that the
batteries are aligned in the proper polarity (+/-). Check the battery case
for instructions on how to install the batteries properly.
Check that the water pressure is at least 25 kPa to activate the burners
Ensure that the Liquid Propane regulator is threaded all of the way to
the unit and that you have an adequate amount of gas in your propane
Verify that you have hooked up both the incoming and outgoing water
supply properly. The showerhead should be attached to the water
outlet (located at the center) and the water inlet should be attached to
your incoming connection (located at the far right) as labeled.