6.3.1. Over load protection (OLP)
OLP is a safety function that prevents overloading the
crane. The current status is shown in the display.
Capacity indicator
(7) Load warning, the actual precentage is shown under.
(8) Green running light: Normal operation
(9) Orange running light: Close to 90 % of capacity used
The color on the capacity indicator can be customized by the customer.
When the load reaches 90% of permitted load, this symbol will blink red and white in the display.
When the crane reaches 100% of used crane capacity,
OLP cuts in and stops all functions that increase the
pressure. These symbols will fill the display, regardless of
the menu, together with the actual percentage.
To release OLP
If all functions have been blocked, it is possible to
temporarily release the OLP and operate an appropriate
crane function to correct the overload situation. Push and
hold the button “OK” on the display while operating load
reducing functions, the arrow in the display indicates which
direction you must operate the boom system. OLP release
is active in 10 seconds intervals. After each interval you
must wait for a minimum of 30 second before the release operation can be activated again.
This symbols will show you that OLP is released,
During operation
Jonsered 1250RZ -1500RZ R CE