Fault monitoring
When there is a fault in the control system it will give an immediate warning.
Depending upon the fault the crane speed and/or the load capacity will be reduced. When the fault
is serious, use of the crane is blocked completely.
Never try to repair the control system yourself. Repairs may only be made by a
Hiab service workshop!
4.3. Graphical user interface (ECU)
Buttons and indicators
(1) Push to go back to main menu
(2) Push to go one step back
(3) Press to toggle between menu items
(4) Menu options
(5) Push to select item or to confrm
(6) Push to see the current error
(7) LED
Green light on: Stand by mode
Red light flashing: Communication is lost.
Red light on: Critical error detected in the system
Orange light blinking: Time for service
Symbols you can see in the display
Joysticks active.
OTP activated
Joysticks not active.
OTP released
The R
Jonsered 1250RZ -1500RZ R CE