10 M9200 Series Electric Spring Return Actuator Product/Technical Bulletin
uxiliary Switches
The M9216-xxC models have built-in auxiliary switches
which can be set for any angle between 0 and 90°
(factory set for 10 and 80°) using either an input signal
or the manual crank. (Refer to the
section for auxiliary switch ratings.)
The following procedures serve as examples to
change the position of the auxiliary switch angles.
Adjusting Switch Cam S1
To change the angle of Switch Cam S1 to 20°:
1. Insert the manual crank into the manual override
2. Push in and turn the manual crank CW. Using the
0 to 90° nodule guides, rotate the coupler until the
position indicator is at 20°.
3. Rotate Switch Cam S1 CCW, aligning the edge of
the switch cam with the switch plunger until the
plunger rises. (See Figure 14.)
P o sitio n
In dica to r
S w itch
P lun ge r
M an ua l
C ra nk
9 0°
N o du le G uide s
(1 0° In cre m en ts)
E d ge o f
S w itch C a m S 1
E d ge o f
S w itch C a m S 2
0 °
Figure 14: Switch Cam Angle Settings
Note: The normally closed contact closes, and the
normally open contact opens. (See Figure 9
Terminal Block 2, Auxiliary Switches
Adjusting Switch Cam S2
To change the angle of Switch Cam S2 to 70°:
1. Push in and turn the manual crank CW. Using the
0 to 90° nodule guides, rotate the coupler until the
position indicator is at 70°.
2. Rotate Switch Cam S2 CCW, aligning the edge of
the switch cam with the switch plunger until the
plunger rises. (See Figure 14.)
The normally closed contact opens, and the
normally open contact closes. (See Figure 9
Terminal Block 2, Auxiliary Switches
3. Turn the manual crank CW to release the spring,
and remove it. (The actuator will spring return the
coupler to the 0° position.)
4. Replace the actuator cover, and return the manual
crank to its original position on the actuator cover.
eplacement and Repair
Field repairs must not be made. To order, refer to
Ordering Information
section for the desired
product code number, and contact the nearest
Johnson Controls representative.