G—G770BGJ 100% Lockout, Microprocessor-Based Intermittent Pilot Ignition Control 9
Turn the thermostat to a high setting and verify successful ignition
and a normal run condition for at least 3 minutes. If the appliance fails
to run, see the Service Checkout Procedures section.
Do a leak check on all pipe joints downstream of the gas valve.
Turn the thermostat down for at least 30 seconds and then back up
again. Verify successful ignition at least three times before leaving the
Due to variations in wiring and valve options, it is advisable to measure
the actual current draw of the heating system at the thermostat location.
Open the thermostat contacts and connect an AC ammeter across the
terminals. A clamp-on meter with a ten turn multiplier can also be used.
Remember to divide the reading by ten for the actual current value. See
Figure 4 for meter connections.
Set the thermostat heat anticipator to 0.2A plus the total of the rated gas
valve currents.
T o
H e a tin g
S yste m
A C A m m e te r L o w S ca le S e ttin g
T e n T u rn s
C la m p -o n A m m e te r
(D ivid e re a d in g b y te n .)
T o
H e a tin g
S yste m
Figure 4: Current Measurement for Thermostat Heat Anticipator
Heat Anticipator