In complying with Johnson Controls’ policy for con-
tinuous product improvement, the information con-
tained in this document is subject to change without
notice. Johnson Controls makes no commitment to
update or provide current information automatically to
the manual owner. Updated manuals, if applicable, can
be obtained by contacting the nearest Johnson Controls
Service office.
Operating/service personnel maintain responsibility for
the applicability of these documents to the equipment.
If there is any question regarding the applicability of
these documents, the technician should verify whether
the equipment has been modified and if current litera-
ture is available from the owner of the equipment prior
to performing any work on the chiller.
Revisions made to this document are indicated with a
line along the left or right hand column in the area the
revision was made. These revisions are to technical in-
formation and any other changes in spelling, grammar
or formatting are not included.
Check that the unit assembly and compo-
nent weights can be safely supported by
rigging and lifting equipment.
All assemblies must be adequately se-
cured during lifting and rigging by
temporary supports and restraints until
equipment is permanently fastened and
set in its final location.
All unit temporary and permanent sup-
ports must be capable of safely sup-
porting the equipment’s weight and any
additional live or dead loads that may
be encountered. All supports must be
designed to meet applicable local codes
and ordinances.
All fastening devices must be designed
to mechanically lock the assembly in
place without the capability of loosening
or breaking away due to system opera-
tion and vibration, vibration, impact or
seismic events.
Secure all dampers when servicing
damper, actuator or linkages. Dampers
may activate automatically, disconnect
control circuits or pneumatic control
systems to avoid injury.
Protect adjacent flammable materials
when brazing, Use flame and heat pro
tection barriers where needed. Have fire
extinguisher available and ready for im-
mediate use.
FORM ET102.19-NOM1
ISSUE DATE:08/26/2013