14 DePuy Synthes Trauma Titanium Cannulated Tibial Nail Expert Nailing System Surgical Technique
reamIng (oPtIonal)
Reaming medullary canal (optional)
holding device, for guide Wires
and reaming rods
reaming rod Push rod
2.5 mm reaming rod with ball tip,
950 mm, sterile
2.5 mm reaming rod with ball tip and
extension, 950 mm, sterile
Also available set
flexible reamer Set for Im nails
If necessary, enlarge the tibial canal with the medullary
reamer, to the desired diameter.
check fracture reduction under the image intensification.
Inserting the reaming rod
Insert the reaming rod with ball tip into the medullary canal,
using the holding device to the desired insertion depth.
Starting with the 8.5 mm diameter reaming head, ream
to a diameter of 0.50 mm–1.0 mm greater than the nail
diameter. ream in 0.5 mm increments and advance the reamer
with steady, moderate pressure. do not force the reamer.
Partially retract the reamer often to clear debris from the
medullary canal.
All nails in the cannulated Tibial Nail Expert
System can be inserted over the reaming rod with ball
tip. Reaming rod exchange is not required.
use the reaming rod push rod to help retain the reaming
rod during reamer extraction.
*also available