Phase - Equalization or Standby
When the condition of one cell reaches the maximum
value admitted (3630 mV), the BMS connects the cell to
the resistance; as a result, the cell changes the condition
from charge to discharge for the time enough to drop the
cell below 3630 mV, while the charger is always charging
all other cells.
As soon as another cell reaches 3630 mV, the BMS con-
nects the new high voltage cell to its resistance as
described earlier.
Equalization or Standby Algorithm Charging
1st Generation BMS Algorithm Charging
1st generation BMS tries to get an average voltage cell of
3600 mV, so the result is; highest cell at 3630 mV and aver-
age is 3600 mV. The maximum difference between the
highest and the lowest cell should be 50 mV or less. The
last phase of the charging process is called “Equalization”.
During this phase, the BMS manages the charger to send
intermittent current feed to keep the cells at the same
voltage level.
2nd Generation BMS Algorithm Charging
2nd generation BMS tries to get all the cells to minimum
3580 mV, so the perfect result is; highest cell at 3630 mV,
Lowest cell at 3580 mV.The maximum difference between
the highest and the lowest cell should be 250 mV or less.
The last phase of the charging process is called “Equaliza-
tion”. During this phase, the BMS manages the charger to
send a very low current to keep the cells at the same volt-
3rd Generation BMS Algorithm Charging
3rd generation BMS tries to get all the cells to minimum
3600 mV. The BMS The last phase of the charging process
is called “Equalization”. During this phase, the BMS man-
ages the charger to send a very low current to keep the
cells at the same voltage. If a cell exceeds 3650 MV, the
BMS connects it to resistance. If a cell exceeds 3700 mV,
the BMS opens the internal contactor and Emergency
State is initiated.
Maximum output voltage is 84,5 mV (each cell 3520
mV max, one charger for 120/230 V)