HRC (incline control) operation:
Operation is same as HRC 1
A. Actual heartbeat is lower than preset max. heartbeat:
Increase incline 1% per detection.
B. Actual heartbeat is higher than preset max. heartbeat:
Decrease incline 1% per detection.
HRC (speed and incline control) operation:
Operation is same as HRC 1
A. Actual heartbeat is lower than preset max. heartbeat:
Increase speed first for 0.2 per detection. After it reaches to the highest speed, incline 1% will
increase per detection.
B. Actual heartbeat is higher than preset max. heartbeat:
Decrease speed first for 0.2 per detection. After it reaches to the lowest speed, incline 1% will
decrease per detection.
Maximum Heartbeat Setting:
Level 1: (220 – age) x 60%
Level 2: (220 – age) x 75%
Level 3: (220 – age) x 85%
1. Speed display bar:
Warm up: 0.8 ~ 2 kph
Walking: 2.1 ~ 5 kph
Jogging: 5.1 ~ 9 kph
Running: 9.1 ~ 13 kph
Sprinting: 13.1 ~ 16 kph
2. Distance: 0 ~ 99.9 km
3. Program: 1 ~ 12, U1, U2, H1, H2, H3
4. Incline: 0 ~ 12%
5. Calories: 0 ~ 999.9 kcal
6. Time: 0 ~ 99.59 (Default setting 32:00)
7. Pulse: 40 ~ 200 bpm
8. Level: 1 ~ 3
9. Speed: 0.8 ~ 16 kph
10. Dot Matrix: 8 x 16 for speed & incline
When in quick start and target modes, incline dot matrix will show the accumulated laps, and
speed dot matrix will show the circle of lap. 40 dots mean 400 meters in one lap.
When in program mode, incline dot matrix shows the profile of incline, and speed dot matrix
shows the profile of speed.