When solar modules are used to charge batteries, the battery must be installed in a manner,
which will protect the performance of the system and the safety of its users. Follow the battery
manufacturer’s guidelines concerning installation, operation and maintenance recommendations.
In general, the battery (or battery bank) should be away from the main flow of people and animal
traffic. Select a battery site that is protected from sunlight, rain, snow, debris, and is well
ventilated. Most batteries generate hydrogen gas when charging, which can be explosive. Do
not light matches or create sparks near the battery bank. When a battery is installed outdoors, it
should be placed in an insulated and ventilated battery case specifically designed for the
Do not install the PV module in a location where it would be immersed in water or continually
exposed to water from a sprinkler or fountain etc.
The PV module can be installed at a distance of 50 m to 500m from the seashore. However, when
installing module within the distance, protect the connectors or add dust plugs. After removing the dust
plugs, connect the connectors immediately and take other anti-rust measures to prevent rust.
When the modules are installed on the roof, they must be separated from the roof by more than 10cm to
facilitate air circulation and heat dissipation.
2.2.3 Tilt Angle Selection
The tilt angle of the PV module is measured between the surface of the PV module and a
horizontal ground surface (Figure 1). The PV module generates maximum output power when it
faces the sun directly.
Figure1: PV module tilt angle
For standalone systems with batteries where the PV modules are attached to a permanent
structure, the tilt angle of the PV modules should be selected to optimize the performance based
on seasonal load and sunlight. In general, if the PV output is adequate when irradiance is low
(e.g., winter), then the angle chosen should be adequate during the rest of the year. For grid-
connected installations where the PV modules are attached to a permanent structure, PV
modules should be tilted so that the energy production from the PV modules will be maximized
on an annual basis.
The System Fire Class Rating of a module or panel in a roof mounted system