It will take practice, time, and patience for your brain to adapt
to the new sounds that your hearing aids provide. Hearing is
only part of how we share thoughts, ideas and feelings.
Reading lips, facial expressions, and gestures can help the
learning process and add to what amplification alone may
Please review the following simple communication tips:
For You
- Move closer to and look at the speaker
- Sit face-to-face in a quiet room if possible
- Try out different locations to find the optimal places to
- Minimize distractions
- Background noises may be frustrating at first; remember,
you have not heard them for a while
- Let others know what you need; keep in mind that people
cannot “see” your hearing loss
[Fault self-check]
Possible Causes
Poor contact between
hearing aid and
charging case
Reinsert the hearing aid into the
charging case
Hearing aid reverse
Check to see if the hearing aid
is reversed
hearing aid
indicator lights
are dark or dim
Charging does
not start
Low battery
Connect USB cable to charge
Dirty charging contacts
Clean the contacts of the hearing
aid and the charger
Hearing aid not inserted
correctly into charger
Insert hearing aid correctly
into charger
Charging case fault self-checking table
Hearing aid not inserted
correctly into charger
Insert hearing aid correctly
into charger
Charger not connected to
power source
Connect charger to external power
Battery fully discharged
Wait three hours after placing
hearing aid in charger, regardless
of LED behavior
Indicator light of
hearing aid does
not light up when
hearing aid placed
in charging inserts
*Note: If the problem persists, contact your hearing care professional for