PDL5 User Manual
PDL5-UM-00001 Rev 001
Bit 0 to Bit 3 are not used.
Bit 4 (message available) is set to 1 when a response message is available in
the output queue.
Bit 5 (event summary bit) is the summary bit for the standard event status
structure. The ESB summary message bit is set if any bit in the standard
event status register is set while its corresponding value in the standard
event status enable register is set.
Bit 6, as the service request bit, is set to 1 if a service request has been
Bit 6, as the master summary bit, is set when there is at least one reason for
the meter to request service from the controller. That is, the master
summary bit is set if any summary bit in the status byte register is set and if
the corresponding bit in the service request enable register is also set.
Bit 7 (operation summary bit) is the summary bit for the operation status
register. It is set if any bit in the operation event register is set while the
corresponding bit in the operation event enable register is set.
Service Request Enable Register
The service request enable register determines which summary bits in the
status byte register can generate service requests. If a summary bit in the status
register is set to 1 and the corresponding bit in the service request enable
register is set to 1, a service request is generated by the meter. A new service
request is not generated for this condition unless the bit in the status register or
the bit in the service request enable register is cleared and the condition
Service Request Enable Register
Read with
common query (the value of bit 6 is always 0)
Written to with
common command (the value of bit 6 is always zero,
regardless of the value sent with the command)
Cleared by
common command with a parameter value of 0